1. Students are admitted only at the beginning of the academic year, which commences on 1st of April.

2. No admission is complete beyond the Kindergarten until the transfer certificate from the previous school is produced. For fresh admission, the name of the student and the date of birth should be entered in the prescribed admission form, signed by the parent or guardian and this will not be subsequently altered.

3. False declaration about a student’s age is a disqualification for admission and subsequent discovery by the school authorities, of such a fault would be enough ground for refusal.

4. The principal reserves the right to refuse any application without having to assign reasons for the action.

5. (a) a month’s notice or fees is required prior to the withdrawal of a student
(b) If a student has withdrawn for length of time and parents wish that he/she be re-admitted, an entrance test will be held and the admission fee will be charged again.

6. A written application must be given by the parent/guardian for the transfer certificate of a student.

7. The transfer certificate will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/- only after school fees and other dues have been cleared.

8. No school leaving certificate will be issued unless requested in written by parent and the dues are cleared.